Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. Your views on education: Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx Labels: ??
all de UT i think buang... =X I am not good to be a engineer... roar roar... bt since i choose tis course... i will continue to try harder and excel in it... after tat... then i will see how to continue... =P ================================== Alan.. ask me something just now... "Jun..why u still single ar..?" .... Alan ar... did U know that POLY life is stressful? unlik U...havin fun in secondary sch... roar! I know remain single is not my style... =X bt sometime.. we mus see de... study is always de first on my list... then family then come to relationship... u r still young.. u wont understand de... =P ================================ Saw XiuMei the other day... *I think is her ba* cos too far.. =P bt look lik her lar... anyway... she's still so pretty hur.. haha ========================== yesterday nite... suddenly think of.. why is she still de one... *not RP student-so dont think so much hur* haha.... anyway.. wanna ask someone out... bt tat someone seem veri busy durin holidae hur? =P *U dont over-stress ar* =P *drink more water n have enough rest wor* *if not later eyes pain again..* Labels: lalaalaaa
Can someone explain to me?
Y i cant resist tokin to her? =X haha... ok jus random... ohya.. today lesson dam confusing sia... although ppt is short but i think i can make it through it ba.. after listening to 6P, i was able to understand the problem better. cheers to 6P!! anyway... tmr Analogue UT! omgggg i go study liao... hope someone come back early wor... =P Labels: woot
gettin less n less motivated to study liao... =X mayb is bcos i dunlik de course ba... I WAN STUDY BUSINESS COURSES!! MARKETING ACCOUNTING HUMAN RESOURCE roar!! =X Labels: ....
jus now UT left 1 easy question nv do... bt i think de rest of the questions i die oso.. =P nvm.... atleast i put in my effort in doin it... lik someone told me bfore... wats over is over... =P yesterday went to library to study for today UT... then was playin wif de weighting machine... then u know wat... i was 75kg i think a mth ago... then now!! 72kg!!! wt... drop 3 kg!! even thought i eat alot... .......... bt Kaibin dont believe my weight... n so do others when i told them my weight... I dont look lik 72kg meh? =P gonna train more to gain weight... haha.. now so borin... so waitin for her to online... wanted to call her n chat bt dunno she finish workin already anot... =X dont dare to call... hahahaa... k lar... goo back watch my 翻滚吧! 蛋炒饭 esp4!! Labels: ^^
my left Rib bone is killin me... the pain... ouch.... cant take a deep breath sia... mus slowly breath... =X ouch ouch ouch... Labels: can someone help~ ouchhh
de class today is so crazy sia... after lab lesson.. everyone started to go haywired... =P haha... anyway... later havin CIRCUIT ANALYSIS UT... sian... haven fully understand all de formula yet... haiz... fail liao... =X klar.. need pay attention liao... if not gonna fall asleep liao... Labels: haiz
My new WISDOM tooth is KILLIN me!!!! roar roar roar!!!! Labels: =X
=P today shld be consider lucky ba... haha... wanna know y? =P cos afternoon i went out to meet a grp of my friends for lunch... then saw my friend's girlfriend (dam pretty) so i disturb her by callin her ( BUK BUK - > 肉肉- > IN teochew) =P then u know wat happen? She chase me all ard the HDB blocks... =X then caught me.. which was de most horrible dae of my life... she grab my hand dont let go n then keep pinchin it...(OUCH!) lucky she was playin de.. so not so hard... then at nite meet Chris go kovan buy things... go the market ther de food center find makan... wa... sit down... then oppsite me de table got 2 pretty girl sit dwn oso... (woot~) =X So me n chris was discussin abt them... wahahahahaaa.... =X went to a small cafe try de bread.. (not so nice) then went to hougang blk 401 ther to find food makan bcos jus now at the food center nothin nice... then suddenly chris said he forget to take his thing... wtf~ then went back to find... got it... then went to (Veri Nice coffeeshop) (oppsite my house) to makan... wasted nv go 401! roar! wanna go find my friend who workin at ther de mama shop de... then at Veri Nice...saw 2 pretty girl again... woot~ so lucky... 4 different gal... bt all so pretty... =X then chris ask me they frm RP izzit... cos one of them look familiar... shld be lar.. cos when they leave... they turn back n look at me n Chris... =X anyway... I jus see pretty girl... bt... I still like one girl.. =P *(secret)* =_= wahahaa... anyway... tmr will be a busy day for me... yawn... monday UT somemore... sianx... k lar.. goin bath first... tired liao... yawn~ Labels: hehe...
I KNOW U R A STRONG BOY!! I KNOW YOU WILL RECOVERY FAST DE... GOD IS WITH YOU! DONT GIV UP! *I will pray tat you will have a speedy recovery and faster get out of hospital!!* =================================== Ok... back to today lesson, wa... stress... I am totally confuse with all the coding.... =P bt in the end i am able to understand a bit... *STILL NEED TO TOUCH UP ON WAT I DUNNO* N someone was complainin abt me making noise!! ROAR ROAR!! N she gonna shot me if i continue to make noise... =P hahahahaa.... k lar... so borin now... bt oso tired.... anyway... I AM TIRED!!!' N I GOIN SLP LIAO!! Labels: tired bt crazy...
I dunno why... Bt I actually shed my tears when I saw those news on China earthquake... Saw those news on the ppl who lost their family, their child... =( I cried... =( haiz... Labels: sad...
Jus heard tat Woon Kiat haven comeout frm coma yet...
haiz... lets pray tat he will be fine... God bless him... Labels: god bless him...
Yawn... roar!! hump!! erm..
haha... ok i am BORED.. =P Labels: hehe
haha... Jus now went to airport to celebrate belated Mother's day.. haha... wif my family... =P eat at Soup Restaurant... =P spend ard $160++ on 7 dishes... haha... ex sia... after eatin.. went to de viewin mall cos my nephew wan watch Aeroplane... =P haha.. so was playin catchin wif him... runnin ard... after playin for long... went to terminal 3 to have a coffee at (Ya Kun) hehe... n i jus found out.. i really lik enjoyin life at cafe nowadae... =X haha... anyway... yesterdae chat wif her till 2am+... bt i 3+ am then slp.. cos watchin show.. haha... bt now not tired liao.. cos i chattin wif her now ma.. hehehehehehee.... k lar.. shld go back msn.. bye~ Labels: hahahahaaa
Wat a DAY~
haha... today nv go trainin... mayb cant go forever liao.... cos my back hurts lik no tmr... =X so today went Kbox wif SKY... i admit something... I too long nv sing liao... cant sing properly... =P haha... went to marina de Kbox... sing frm 2~5... haha... after tat walk to bugis... then back to marina square again... i was dam tired liao... walk here n ther... then went marina square... Sky suddenly wan go find his friend who was workin ther... bt he onli know she work at a cafe.. i was lik...WTF... ther got so many cafe... so i walk ard marina square for dam long... bt ended up at a cafe name.. "Music Dreamer Live! Cafe" got ppl singin inside... so was enjoyin coffee... n oso listen to ppl singin... I can say something... they sing dam nice!!! =D so... today... Afternoon SING SONG... Nite... LISTEN PPL SING SONG... not bad hur... I jus love tis song... at Kbox i try to sing... then at de cafe they oso got sing.. "甘心替代你" by "郑伊健" hehe... nice nice nice nice.... =P k lar.. anyway... tired liao... need go rest... tmr goin out to eat lunch wif my family... =P kk... shld blog if i am free... =P Labels: songs..
jus came back frm orchard... Jus now after sch went plaza Sing wif Marcus(frm my class de) to eat n chat... so was eatin n chattin at BK until 8.40+pm.. then i walk wif marcus to centerpoint.. bcos i go meet my sister... she workin at starhub buildin ma.. so she finish work... i meet her... *sorry marcus nv pei u till mrt station* =P haha... anyway.. take cab frm ther... My sis told de driver we want go Sengkang... Bt u know wat the driver reply? *Go Bukit Panjang jam sia...* I was lik... *speechless* then my sis said to me... *Bukit Panjang le.. Wan go?* walao.... roar roar!! how my sis know sia... ........ k lar... need go have my medicine.. Havin FLU again... sian... tmr trainin... now sick.... eeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.... Labels: .....
Now so borin in class...
so i did some research on the different way to cook salmon... =P I later will go hm will try Steaming Salmon... =D sound interestin... The ways to do it is.... Use a steamer or steaming basket. Arrange salmon portions on rack, then pour liquid (wine, water, etc.) over fish into pan. Lightly season salmon and add spices and herbs to water. Cover and bring to a boil. Steam salmon one minute per ounce over medium heat. You can also wrap your fish portions in cheese cloth to remove them from steamer in whole pieces. haha... so long nv eat salmon liao... later tonight mus cook it n enjoy =P k lar.. i go back watch my show.. yawn... today problem jus so borin... Mood less liao... Labels: salmon 只欠一句我爱你
tis is a sentences tat IS in my mind all time long... =X so shld i say it out or shld i not? haiz.... bt... 我没胆亲口告诉你... =X i got friends already supporting me to say liao.. bt... =X haha... dunno lar...=X Labels: shld i?
My lower back so painful!!! can't go trainin liao... need go see doctor again... mayb is my old injury... sian.... =X today lesson oso borin.. + my back pain + internet & VPN CMI...= wtf... pay so much sch fee... bt internet so suck... haiz... arrrhhh... my back is killin me.... =X helpppppppp~ Labels: pain..
Jus now went to punggol park to have a run...
with Ryan(he riding bicycle) haha... I dunlik de environment of Punggol park cos de air is soooo SUCK! eekkk the smell makes me hard to get fresh air... bt at least manages to run 1 round + 3/4 without stoppin... break my own record... of bcos i am sick... normally..when i sick.. i can onli run half round at punggol park.. today i run 1 round+++ no bad liao... did some exercise at the fitness corner... =P then tok to ryan for quite awhile bcos i am totally burnout... =P anyway... i will be runnin at punggol park for 2 times a week liao... COS I WAN TO TRAIN MY STAMINA & MUSCLES... Saturday got canoeing water trainin liao... woot... lookin forward to it... hope dont rain... =X kk... shall have some rest now n take my medicine.. =P *I dunwan someone to worry* hehehe N last but not least!!! I got my first "A" for Circuit Analysis!!! WOOT!!! so happy... H.L should knw wat happen jus now wen I saw de result... =P Labels: runnin runnin
The reason i am back to blog instead of resting is because..
Jus nw i cant slp... so was readin news online... saw this 2 headline.. "Distribution woes persist as U.S. sends more aid to Myanmar" & "China: Quake death toll tops 12,000" The world is not the same anymore.. Earthquake...cyclone... haiz... How i wish I can help those ppl ther... they are so helpless... many lost their family to the disasters... =( How for fortunate I am in Singapore... haiz haiz haiz haiz.. No mood liao... haiz... Labels: sad... jus happen to be awake.. n cant go back rest.. so decided to blog.. the above pic is a T-shirt's picture.. =P cute hur? frm GIORDANO 19 dollar printed tee.. I brought not bcos of the price... bt bcos of de picture on it... so cute =P =========================== Last but not least... Thank for de sms.. I will listen to U de "take medicine and go slp" ============================ kk ppl.... i go back rest liao.. cya Labels: sick bt recovering
2.40pm!! the fastest time to end liao... =P so tired n headache... later go back i think gonna have lots of rest... my eyes.. veri pain....... borin borin... k lar.. dunno wat to write liao... =P i go watch show liao... bye ppl~ Labels: woot
Headache headache...
although today problem is easy.. no need do ppt.. No quiz No 6P... bt.... need play de program and play with it to stay alive... =P bt so chim lor... Anyway.. later not goin Canoein trainin... cos if i go.. I think i will die ther... need go see doctor liao... haiz... no trainin... sianz... k lar.. need do work liao... cya Labels: sickkkk he came frm china.. jus luv de logo.. creative le.. "Bejing" with the puma on it.. style~ =============== So borin in class.... yawn.. first team present... lucky nothing happen... nv kana shoot... =P =============== borin borin... someone busy leh... =P k lar.. need pay attention to class... will be back~ Labels: yawn..
=D Jus writin tis post to say.. MUMMY!! LUV U ALWAYS!! =P Labels: mother is de best
Jus now was eatin breakfast wif my friends...
they ask me abt the gal i am goin after... n ask me why i dunwan let her know i lik her.. so I tell them... its so obvious tat i lik her.. if she dunno.. then i cant say anything liao ma... haha.. then they ask y dunwan go ask her be my gf.. then i reply... now she oso busy wif her sch work... then i busy wif my own sch work n trainin... wher will have time... *after sayin tat sentence* My friend shoot me.. sayin tat if u lik her... no matter how not enough time u have.. U will still be able to find time for her de... *mayb is true...* dunno lar.. mayb she know tat i lik her... bt act dunno... can still disturb me abt it... =X hahaa... k lar... need go do push-up liao... *100times* =P Labels: erm..
My mum so scary de... jus now suddenly appear behind me... while i was chattin wif someone in msn... =X the questions my mum ask was... "The gal in the pictures look pretty le.." "which one u tokin to?" "U lik her ar?" .... my mum ar... makin me speechless... =X Shy...Shy...Shy... Labels: ....
Tired tired...
=X nxt wk onward... I think my whole body will be achin till i high! =D cos nxt wk onward is full swing trainin liao... woot.. meanin.. LAND + WATER trainin... =X Anyway... meanin nxt week u see me in sch... i sure look veri tired.. =D hahaaa... ======================================= My mum jus now was askin me again... "son ar... when findin a gf ar?" I nv reply my mum... haha.. cos i dunno wat to reply... cos now i still dunno whether shld I go forward n ask her anot... =x i so shy... hahaa... ====================================== Anyway... life now is so stress n fun... stress wif sch work... fun wif canoein.. =D hahaa... k lar.. i go excerise liao... cya Labels: .....
I am feelin a bit sick liao...
dunno izzit really sick.. bcos my whole class is now passing flu virus ard... =X Hope i wont be one of de victim... i still need to go trainin de... fall sick = no trainin = die haha... k lar... jus now was enjoyin my fav food.. =D "Smoke salmon"! btw, any food wif SALMON in it.. is a nice food to me... =D so I hope my birthday I can eat lots n lots of salmon!! Anyway... Someone nv online.. so sian... now watchin MythBuster 5 at Discovery Channel.. =D yawn... Labels: borin...
Saw my long lost friend jus now while walkin hm...
the first thing tat come out frm her mouth was... "Omg U FAT liao!" ....... no comment... bt i remember i last time was fatter ma.. strange... hahaa... bt so happy to see her... she now in Uni... =X so fast... haha... forget to ask wat course... hahahhaaa... hope to see her again... =D Labels: fat?
Friendster Horoscope for May 8, 2008
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) The Bottom Line You can get what you want -- you just must reach for it! It's time for you to act. In Detail Today you need to pick up your feet and get moving more aggressively toward one of your goals. It's not going to come to you! Sure, it might seem hard to attain, and it probably will take more than one day to attain it. But it's important for you to believe that you can get what you want -- you just have to start reaching for it! Show the universe that you are ready to put your money where your mouth is. There is no reason for any hesitation, so just do it. Labels: ?? which goal??
People outside!!
Dont think too much... "I AM NOT ATTACHED!!!" BT "I AM GOING AFTER SOMEONE!!!" N its both different thing lar! Dont listen to rumors lar... =X Labels: eekkkkkk
I dreamt of someone yesterday nite... =X haha... N i dreamt tat I was playin wif a puppy wif someone too... the puppy so cute lor.. =D eekkkk...I wan to have a puppy!!! anyway... tat someone is so happy in de dream oso.. dunno Y le... mayb playin wif de puppy ba... **dont ask me tat puppy is wat breed is** cos i dunno.. =X bt its cute... hehee... jus now went to Skin Center for checkup... then have some medication... n total cost ard $49+++ cheap eh... ahhahaa... later mayb goin out to buy things for my trainin... haha... spendin money again... =X last bt not least.... Hey gal... I WAN CARROT!!!!! =D Labels: erm...
Jus now went to de first Canoeing IG land trainin!! so tirin! we did runnin ard school, ALOT OF PUSH UP, a few set of other excerise (which i forgot de name) n 35 PULL-UP(i nv do due to my old injury..DAM!)! anyway... de IG got strict rule to follow... lik.. 1. Scoldin bad word during trainin... (1word = 200 push up N is whole team do...) 2. Late for training... (1 sec = 1push up) 3. Nv talk back to the senior... n so on........ I lik wat de senior in de IG said... "TRAINING IS 80% MENTAL... & 20% PHYSICAL...." Cos if u think U can do it... No matter how tirin U r...U will have de strength to do it... =D nice hur? haha... Anyway...they said tis trainin is jus the "appetizer" the main course haven come yet... =x hehe... nvm! I will continue to chiong! even if my old injury is back... =D kk... now waitin for someone to finish her RJ... then can chat wif her... =X cya guys~ Labels: nice...
Headache sia!!!!
today module do abt programmin the board to make a buzz sound... then the class have lots of different pitch de sound.. headache... headache... OSO... I cant chat wif the Sweet gal on MSN... cos MSN got problem in school... =( later got trainin... hope wont be too tirin.. cos i already veri tired... sleepy... sleepy... sleepy... sleepy... sleepy... Labels: yawn
TODAY Microcontroller UT... My brain suddenly blank.. =X sian sia... then anyhow do... =X nxt UT cannot liao tat liao.. mayb is too stress because of the module today... "CIRCUIT ANALYSIS" calculate calculate till brain dead... haha... anyway... TMR TRAININ LIAO!!! woot!!! TIME TO DIE! ! ! =D k lar... need go back talk to tat "SWEET GAL" hahahaaaa... Labels: sian...bt excited
I am so tired...
=( my brain is dead.. after solvin so many Eqn... =X circuit circuit... anyway... my team is so good... Suyani help the team alot sia... not to forget Marcus...he did PPT.. =X ME? tryin to help inbetween... haha... I know wat to do... bt a bit blur wat to do... hahhhahaaa... anyway.. understand liao... ^^ later havin UT!! Mircocontroller!!! omg... CODING!!! haha... my fav... =D k lar.. need go rest.... n I AM HUNGRY... NV EAT LUNCH... =X Labels: tired n hungry....
COURAGE onli show when U r in FEAR...
So...Jus tell yourself... " Without FEAR...Ther wont be HERO..." Tis is wat I heard when I was watchin History Chn... abt WWII wher one of de ex-pilot who fought in WWII said tat... I lik dat... =D cos when one's face wif fear... then he/she will have de courage to fight for a way out... Lik when u r lost in de middle of a jungle... U will sure be afraid... bt U will also have de courage suddenly.. n tell yourself tat U mus live on... thats WHEN... Courage is shown... =D Interesting... BUT true... k lar.. Need go slp liao.. If not tmr UT.. C.M.I =X n I oso mus listen to someone n slp early.. hehe... kk.. bye ppl.. Labels: " Without FEAR...Ther wont be HERO..."
Yesterday nite chat wif someone for i think 3hr+ =D
haha... was "bullying" each other.. hahaaa... anyway, yesterday nite.. i manage to make my room de air con to work ..=X anyhow press de remote control.. =D hahaa... soo coolin.. hope tonight oso can work.. yesterday nite was chattin wif her tat.. I promise to cook anything for her... after tellin her dat.. i onli know something.. I AM HUNGRY!! bt i nv eat supper... =X cannot eat too much... mus cut dwn on de intake... hahhaaaaa.... Anyway... *U mus pay 200% attention when handling sharp object nxt time ok?* dont hurt yourself again... knock knock... =D hahaa... k lar... later plannin to go for a run... bt the weather so hot... =X mayb do some weight trainin at home... =D wif my left hand... not the right.. =X cos right is injuried.. hahaaa... k lar.. gonna go eat lunch... =D Labels: hungry... |
Name: Tan Choon Leng aka JuN aka JunLong Age:21 (goin 22 on 28 0ct 10) School: Studyin at Republic Polytechnic ( Year3 DCAE ) Likes:eating nice nice food ard singapore! , slack and see the night sky.. where there is stars.. and be with HUILING! Quote:Dont give up when things goes wrong, but see and learn and come out with idea to make it work! ![]() ![]() ![]() Wishes
[X] Good Life [X] Polo Tee [ ] Get into a degree course [ ] Graduate with a DEGREE [ ] SAVE ALOT OF MONEY FOR ME N HUILING! [ ] faster ORD 2011 resolutions 23th Birthday Wishes [ ]-Black Berry Phone! [ ]-Iphone 5 [ ]-Itouch [ ]- [ ]-PSP Cheryl Hazel HuiLing Claris Wei Jie Farhana WanLing Shue Wei Puay Yek Cher Kong Ming Sheep NSP HuiLeng XiuBin BangLun Jonathan Jean Samuel Firdaus Wileen Kelvin Haven Juan Lydia Ben MeiTing Dalilah Yong2 Mich su ling Wei Rong Rabitah Kai Bin Jian Ming Kennerve ChangCun SaM(H.I.H.S) marissa Ben(robinson) Precious Pets Portraits Ugly Singaporeans LaoZhaBor SHIN felicia Danson Tang Yu Zhe Blogger Blogskins StockStash March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l September 2009 l October 2009 l February 2010 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |