![]() 我不想连试都没有试就放弃。。。 我不希望我连试都没有试你就叫我放弃。。。 我知道适合我们的从不是浪漫,你不会爱,我的爱,我明白。。。 所以宁愿安静的等待。。。 爱你我慢不下来 没有哪一天例外, 跟自己比快,我会赶上你未来。。。 我不怕空白 我继续等待。。。
我不管别人说你什么 只要你的怀抱 我不管别人说你不好 我也不想知道 叫他们停止吵闹 我不管说你多糟 我不管说我笨说我蠢 只要我爱就好
is wat i spend/brought at Toy & Comic Convention.. =X GUNDAM!!! Small box de cost me ard $17.95 the big box? $147.95 =D bt I am so happy with it, cos i am a great fan of Gundam!! So ppl.. nxt time my birthday.. Buy me Gundam k liao.. must be master grade n above hor.. scale - 1 : 100 hor.. ^^ jus now went to the convention with Changcun.. ^^ went to eat Pizza Hut with him before goin the convention... haha... then after tat went to orchard to find a shop which sell gundam oso.. bt.. nothin inside which makes me interested.. =X then went to slack ard at starbuck at OG building... then chat abt last time wat happen in class n so on... haha... then it rain!! haha.. no choice have to go hm cos tmr got sch... so walk in de rain till plaza sing.. haha... then now at home blog before goin to bath... so so so.. I go bath liao.. ciaoz~ Labels: hehe ![]() woott!! tats part of the class !! wif "CANDY" the one beside me.. our facilitator she is my micro-controller facilitator bt.. she no longer teachin my class liao... last wk was de last day she teachin us.. so nxt wk onward other faci will come n teach us.. anyway... today i went to "Toy & Comic Convention" at suntec.. =D fun!! lots of thing to see... i lik bandai booth de most!! COS I CAN SEE MY FAV THING!! GUNDAM!! got new gundam model out!! woot... gonna go back ther to buy it!! =D Master Grade.. cost ard 74++ dollar.. hehe... anyway, saw a movie poster today... "10 promises to my dog" hmm.. I think someone will sure go n watch hor? =D hahahaa... kk.. gtg.. tired.. yawn~ Labels: ^^ haha, back to bloggin.. ^^ anyway.. today wen to sch.. mircocontroller lesson! n i oso found out.. this is de last lesson my faci gonna teach my class!! sad! bt durin 3 meeting.. she gave us each a bar of chocolate.. n i choose.. snickers!! =D n!! jus now got UT! then u know wat happen? our class got some student inculdin me.. submit empty UT answer.. upload error!! stupid system! lucky we got backup file in de laptop.. so faci help us upload.. thank Nick! He found out abt tis problem.. if he dunno.. i think.. some of us sure will get 0 liao.. =X *nxt time after submit UT mus check whether got submit properly anot..* k lar.. i go slp liao.. tired tired.. ciaoz~ Labels: yawn...
I will lik to ask..
"If u r already been into trouble outside... n suddenly.. another person came into de picture n make another trouble for u.. wat is your reaction?" "feel fed-up? or heck care?" haha... i dunno... n eve! u stop thinkin stupid idea of fightin k? we r old enough to think... fist cant solve problem... bt create more trouble for u.. understand? so.. those ppl outside.. pls.. dont try to F my life now.. i already stress wif school work... dont make me stress abt other thing.. thx.. Labels: idiot idiot
I was watchin "The bucket List"
then I was thinkin... "I only walk this world once...and I have to choose my choice properly without regret..." bt sometime... I were given chances to get something/someone... bt I just let those chances passby... =X Some old people told me before... If u wan do something, Just go do it! Dont keep waiting... bcos... Its better to giv it a try then just stand ther thinkin it wont work or happen... haha... dunno lar... My brain n Heart dont work together... wat my heart wan..is not wat my brain wan... haha haiz.. k lar.. i go study for my test which is comin tis thrus... cheers! *pray for me ppl* Labels: ^^
nowadae in class...
tired n blur... bt still manage to survive... today... was plannin to ciaoz class... bt... thx to marcus... i nv... haha... so.. ard 1.40+ i faster finish up all i got on hand.. which.. Fail.. =X haha... anyway.. my team presentation.. i think a bit can lar.. haha.. faci keep tellin me how to do tis n dat.. after presentation.. chattin on MSN... n watchin movies.. "Jumper" quite old liao.. bt nvm.. got entertainment better then none... i oso finish watchin "superhero movie" ok.. tat was lame... haha.. anyway... I jus wokeup =X cos jus now came back... put my bag, sms ppl, done RJ , msn awhile and have dinner+ bathe.. then... i went to my bed to rest... then..i fell asleep.. =X hahaa... k lar.. back to do my things liao.. ciaoz~ Labels: yawn...
haha... ok... yesterday.. went out to meet "tracy,Yong Xiang and chang chun" to watch movie... n we watched!! HULK!! ^^ the movie was quite nice... the fightin part between hulk and one ugly "hulk like" guy is nice n exciting!! =D then bfore n after the movie.. we were slack at different places to chit chat.. . haha... really miss de dae in class wher we eat food, tibits and read newspaper durin lesson!! haha... thinkin of it.. now i goin 20 liao.. haha.. n poly life is still de same for me... changin class every sem.. .which mean i got so many contact in my msn till i dunno who is who.. (although i got sort it in different grp) haha... anyway... will be changin my oversea tour to dec.. ^^ cos i wan to do my PP durin aug holidae haha.. woot.. n my birthday is comin nearer n nearer.. althought its at oct ^^ k lar.. back to gamin while waitin for her to sms me.. =D ciaoz.. Labels: ^^
Hey peeps! =P
jus came back frm gathering wif my grp of secondary sch friend... =D went bugis to meet them... who is them? 5Girls and me.. =X haha.. got.. "Lixin, Prilala, HuiLeng, Xue Jiao, Xiu Bin and Me!" haha.. went to de Wang Fu or wat de place to eat.. haha.. inside bugis junction.. ate alot of thing ba.. i spend ard 20 dollar.. haha.. bake rice wif cheese and fish.. woot... hot honey lemon drink and blue something de... forget de name.. haha... after tat.. went to take bus wif prilala, Lixin, and Xiu Bin... anyway... miss them alot lar.. haha.. tat NSP never come!! ROAR!! let me bcome de only guy ther!! anyway... they r all great friend of mine! some of them been ther for me through ups n dwns in my life.. nice friends! haha... When i reach SK, i walk hm, saw my grp of malay friends !! haha.. so long nv see them liao... all sittin at playgrd.. so i join in.. so was tokin wif me askin wat i been doin n so on... Miss the day wher i mix ard wif them instead of mixin wif chinese.. =X (i am not racist) jus tat i find dat my house here de chinese (C.M.I) haha.. miss playin soccer wif them.. now one of them is Singapore U18 soccer player wor.. pro! haha.. chat wif them till 1am+ then i remember i got RJ to do... so i tell them i goin liao.. so they ask me for no.. so they can contact me to meet up.. haha... although they live ard my block.. we oso hardly see each other.. cos of sch n so on... haha... anyway... today was a nice day... mixin up wif all my long lost friend.. =D *SMILES* Labels: HAPPY
jus now did a quiz... n the result said... "The one in your arm, is NOT the one in your heart." ... really ma.. sianz.. . argh! haha... wan believe oso duno how to believe.. stupid quiz... !! Wu Xiang After EATIN!! Above is the pictures taken by MeiTing when Me, Jonathan n MeiTing went to Amoy Street food center to eat.. ^^ spend ard a total of $29.90 on the food.. including, 3 can of drink-1 dollar ea, rojak-2dollar and the food... exclude the dessert.. =P after eatin went to chinatown food center to eat dessert.. =P the whole nite we all were playin chattin n eatin!! ^^ u wan know y i so happy.. =P cos i pass my FTT!!! woot... haha... drivin drivin drivin... =D =D kk.. ciaoz.. ohya.. my headache is ok liao... woot... hope it dont come back.. =X kk.. ciaoz.. Labels: happy happy
Headache!! Headache!! n i am so tired.. n feel lik sleepin all day long n dont wan wake up do thing... =X anway.. I nv go for today lesson.. haha... for soooo long... i finally use one of my leave for mirco-controller.. =P haha... tmr mus go sch!! cant miss anymore lesson! =D shall blog lata.. if my headache stop... =D ciaoz.. Labels: haiz
haha, tmr FTT liao.. now studyin!! =X All human being.. pls pray for me!! ^^ ok .. i am bored... n i am tired... haha... bt i need finish studyin first.. haha... hardwork pays off.. =P anyway... Jus now ask hui ling for a cartoon link.. ^^ Chi New Home.. its about a kitten.. veri cute.. big eyes n head.. reaction veri big... lik milk and playin.. after drinkin milk.. she will pat her stomach n fall asleep.. hahaha... cute cute... below it de link.. http://www.crunchyroll.com/search?q=chi+sweet+home&pg=0 ^^ kk.. i agree i am becomin a kid soon.. haha.. bt i cant resist ma.. so cute ^^ hahaa... kklar.. need go back study liao.. ciaoz! Labels: ^^ haha... I just love it.. so cute.. always going after ACORN!! hahaa...dont u all think it's cute? =D ![]() anyway.. while findin scrat pictures.. I FOUND OUT!!! ICE AGE3! [Dawn of Dinosaurs)!!! I wan I wan I wan watch!!! bt by then i will be in year 3!! hahaha... =D Anyway.. i now still in sch.. later goin hm to wait for my "ACORN" to finish work! haha... laalalalalaaaa... Labels: haha
dam no mood to blog...
TMR SCH START!! N I GOT LAB LESSON!! EEKKKK... NVM.. JUS OVER REACTING.. =x Labels: ^^ my fav Ice Cream brand! Found it in my fridge.. n belong to my sis.. bt she gave it to me!! =P hooray~ my sis went malaysia for company project.. then she go shoppin brought it back.. haha.. so many tibits!!! =P haha... ohya.. today so borin at hm lor.. my mum dad n brother wen to malaysia.. bt i nv go.. cosss.. my passport nv extend.. haha... so home alone... sister went out to cut hair.. =X whole dae listenin to music... chattin on msn wif my ex sch mate... play Cabal for a while... thennnn go rest.. haha... kk lar.. ciaoz.. tmr sch liao~ Yawn!! Labels: woot~ Hello ppl!!! haha... today~ I went to de HENDERSON WAVE!! A new bridge!! at telok banlgka.. [dunno how to spell] haha... went trekkin wif my whole family.. hehe... =P after tat... went to take CABLE CAR!! So fun inside!!! the view on de mountian n cabal car oso great! nice! prefect! omg! haha... below r some nice pic i took usin my sis cam! =P have fun lookin at it.. =D ciaoz.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Labels: ^^
Take a good long look in the mirror and remind yourself that while you might not be the hottest person on earth, you are definitely something special -- especially in the eyes of the people who love you. Having a healthy level of confidence is more important than having a conventionally attractive outer shell. After all, it's just a shell. The magnetic energy you create when you believe in yourself is undeniable. Boost your ego, and you'll see proof of this today.
Interesting... n i agree wif it.. although i always hear it... =X Labels: ^^ tats me!! wif my new hair style.. ok..it look lik a bit... gangster hair style lar.. =P bt.. now neater then last time.. n u know wat.. my sideburn.. one thick..one thin... dam! haizz... tis one... erm.. is my dear brother... he took it when i fall asleep at hm.. usin my phone somemore! roar!! was plannin to watch soccer in de first place... then i fall asleep cos too tired... =X he said... i look lik a kid!!! =( i am 20 tis year lor... sad... i know.. i look lik a kid to those who dunno me.. roar!! nvm.. at least my IC show tat i am born in year 1988!! wahahahaa... kk.. ciaoz... yawn... Labels: kid?
I jus remember.. later got EURO MATCH.. Grp A - Czech Republic vs Portugal n i think oso got Grp A - Switzerland vs Turkey haha... so later mayb goin 401 to watch soccer n eat supper... then go back hm continue watchin... =X my 2 brother tonight no need slp again... haha... kk... ciaoz.. Labels: soccer..
I am here to blog bcos Jonathan cancel the meetin..
haha... cos too borin liao... anyway... yesterday nite Alan ask me... "Eh, wat happen if one dae.. u found out u fall in love wif a girl.. which is your friend for so long... n knowin tat she will onli accept u as a friend..." wat will u do? haha... nice question.. bt its veri hard to explain it.. bcos we r not sure whether the girl lik him anot... n tat guy may had good point for de girl to lik.. onli tat de whether did de guy go n ask de girl out himself... ? haha... anyway.. .ppl.. how will u all answer tis question? "confuse" =_="' Labels: ???
did u all see a stupid guy bfore?
nv? then see me!! ^^ i veri stupid jus to realise... that i am given a veri good chance today... n i nv agree wif it.. n follow.. now.. its over.. then i wan to help.. =X haiz.. stupid stupid stupid stupid me.... Labels: ....
regardin de question i posted recently...
the answer will be.. "The guy tat steal things win the fight" BCOS... "The guy who goes to gym..do "weight-lifting" everyday... Bt... the guy who goes steal things..everyday do "shop-lifting"" SO u think who stronger? hahaaaa... Labels: ^^
Si SAM..! Jus now invite me into the msn convo... then keep disturbin me... roar! n.. U DC n let me n her in de msn chat onli...!! nvm.. u good.. disturb me... hehe.. u will get it one dae.. when chalet comes... =D wahahahaa... U better dont try it tmr hor.. roar roar! Back to topic... jus came back frm eatin supper.. went to hougang blk 401 eat supper with Ryan.. alot of ppl watchin soccer ther.. haha.. order fried prawn noodle.. eat n chit chat with him.. then went 7-11 ok.. something funny wif de staff... when i went to pay money.. she was a bit high.. then keep smilin at me.. comeon in de middle of de nite leh.. dont lik dat leh.. i will scare de leh.. the uncle infront of me pay money u nv smile.. see me smile till lik siao... =X sccarrryyy... after tat went punggol park slack for awhile then went NTUC(near my house de..somemore is 24hr) buy a small bottle of orange juice.. =P then went back hm.. n i found out something... RYAN house Unit no. is the same as mine! omg! 08-44... win liao lor.. haha.. k lar.. go slp liao.. headache... tmr i think need to continue help XiuMei to install de anti virus software.. teachin her in MSN.. hard u know.. =X haha kk.. ciaoz! Labels: haha.. wats a dae
=P okok.. shall start bloggin.. kk.. Jus now i heard frm a friend of mine... sayin.. Marriage is the graveyard of ones life... haha... so was thinkin... Then LOVE is a GAME which NO ONE WIN! because in LOVE.. each other will be on de losing edge... n they r both holdin together... If anyone.. let goes... BOTH WILL DROP DWN DE EDGE... n both will LOSE the GAME... Believe it anot.. =P bt.. without love.. you wont know wats good n bad... without love... ther wont be future.. =D anyway.. jus some of my thought.. kk ciaoz ppl... Labels: love?
She went malaysia for 4 day... so tis 4 day... i gonna be bored? haha.. mayb bt think will be goin out wif meiting n jonathan again... eatin eatin eatin.. anyway... Hope she have fun at malaysia.. n time to have my slp liao... yawn... =P good nite/mornin ppl... =P ciaoz Labels: yawnnnn |
Name: Tan Choon Leng aka JuN aka JunLong Age:21 (goin 22 on 28 0ct 10) School: Studyin at Republic Polytechnic ( Year3 DCAE ) Likes:eating nice nice food ard singapore! , slack and see the night sky.. where there is stars.. and be with HUILING! Quote:Dont give up when things goes wrong, but see and learn and come out with idea to make it work! ![]() ![]() ![]() Wishes
[X] Good Life [X] Polo Tee [ ] Get into a degree course [ ] Graduate with a DEGREE [ ] SAVE ALOT OF MONEY FOR ME N HUILING! [ ] faster ORD 2011 resolutions 23th Birthday Wishes [ ]-Black Berry Phone! [ ]-Iphone 5 [ ]-Itouch [ ]- [ ]-PSP Cheryl Hazel HuiLing Claris Wei Jie Farhana WanLing Shue Wei Puay Yek Cher Kong Ming Sheep NSP HuiLeng XiuBin BangLun Jonathan Jean Samuel Firdaus Wileen Kelvin Haven Juan Lydia Ben MeiTing Dalilah Yong2 Mich su ling Wei Rong Rabitah Kai Bin Jian Ming Kennerve ChangCun SaM(H.I.H.S) marissa Ben(robinson) Precious Pets Portraits Ugly Singaporeans LaoZhaBor SHIN felicia Danson Tang Yu Zhe Blogger Blogskins StockStash March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l September 2009 l October 2009 l February 2010 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |