I am finally finally finally
abit ok.. =X meanin i am 50% recover.. haha.. bt now still havin headache.. due to de stupid weather..which is so hot till its killin me.. later thinkin of ciao lesson to go home rest cos i forget to bring my medicine to sch... =X gonna drink lots of water... cant even go for my runnin... tats mean i gettin fatter!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo k lar.. my micro-controller lesson start liao.. codes codes codes.. sianz.... ciao ppl~ Labels: ~_~ I HATE FALLIN SICK... I SO LONG NV BEEN SO SICK LIAO... STUPID WEATHER... THROAT PAIN, HEADACHE, FEVER, RUNNIN NOSE AND MY LUNG KEEP COMPLAININ.. =X TMR GONNA SEE DOC LIAO.. + COLLECT MY LAPTOP.. HAIZ... GIV ME SOME STRENGTH... DDDYYYIIINNNNNNNNGGGG IN PROGRESS...
FLU HAVE INVADED ME!! Gonna rest now.. ........................................................
I so bored in class....
no feeling welll... Flu... headache... stiff neck... haiz... tmr still need collect my laptop... then go out... haiz... jus now in class... almost did a stunt.. cos i was listenin to song while other team was presenting.. then i accidently pull out my ear piece frm de laptop.. bt lucky.. the song jus nice end.. so i faster pluck it back... =X k lar.. i now dyin in class waitin for samuel.. to finish UT.. N I LEFT ONE MORE UT!! haha.. woot! cheer cheer! holidae comin n I am gonna date her out.. n oso do my PP!! shit.. the dead line is near!! =X *dead* Labels: ^^ Woot...!! My sis is back frm thailand!! haha...she brought for me alot of things!! I lik the T-Shirts she brought for me... n!! Absolut Vodka Mango!! ^^ below are some pic of the thing she brought.. because we r eatng a sweet.. that erm... look lik, Noodle, Rubber band, clay(playing de clay), vege noodle? haha... see my mouth.. rubberband!! hahaa relax... its not rubber band lar.. i shld show u all what my faci comment on my RJ... [Good aspiration! Being in an engineering course does not mean that it will not help you in your future career in business management. If you look around, many successful people in the top management of big corporations are from engineering background. Take for example RP's previous Principal, CEO of SIA, Ms Ho Ching of Temasek Holdings (who was ranked as the third most powerful women in business outside of USA). Engineers are trained to think logically and are able to do analysis of a situation. That is why many big banks accept engineering graduates and offer them high renumeration. Keep on striving!] ^^ tats my microcontroller faci said de.. cool... haha... pass Hp charger to someone.. hehe.. she so pretty hur.. =D okok..out of topic.. hehe.. anyway.. i now so hungry... =X food food food fooddddddd Labels: foooddd Tired... its how i feel now... cos jus now doin PP, n i wan to say something!! Its killin me!! =X haha... ohya.. below is some of the pic of my new Ear Piece!! see the second pic.. the screen... full of thing hor... n I love clickin on the green color box on the corner left of my lappy screen every morning.. cos I get to chat wif her!! =D opps.. ^^ anyway.. today went to collect my lappy bt the Fujitsu center tell me they haven fix de part.. ask me come back tmr!! roar!! ask me come collect then tell me haven fix! nvm... relax... n last bt not least!! Holidae comin!! meanin... Chalet!! n I hope i can date her out!! =D Can I? hehe k lar.. i shall stop here... bye ppl.. take care! Labels: roar So sianz.. nowaday oso dun feel lik bloggin liao... so tired after sch... so many to do... [PP, study for UT, help my mum to take care of my 2 nephew] Not even have time for my car pract! haiz... I wonder why I am feelin so moodless today.... my friends who saw me keep askin wat happen... cos i hardly smile when i saw them.. haha... too tired ba.. wher got energy to smile liao =X hehe hmm mayb after year2 when i done with my PP.. Then i will have energy to play n have my car pract ba... =D Ohya.. My CE point left 9 more to go!! N i will complete CE module!! woot haha... fast fast chiong!! then one more thing dwn.. no need worry.. then after CE module, I wan dwn my PP module THEN Car Pract and Traffic Police Test!! then FYP!! which is in year 3... then NS!! then... mayb Business Degree ba... =D anyway.. mus settle all those impt stuff first.. *stress stress stress* Singapore is a stressful country sia.. the pace is so fast... Tryin to catch up is so tirin.. =X I wan go Australia n dunwan come back liao... =D *jokin de* Bt lucky... Now I had someone to chit chat wif.. disturb n to light up my day... =D anyway.. I shld stop here liao... think de nxt post.. erm.. a few wk later?? mayb... Labels: haha Ellow!! so long nv blog liao.. n!! DONT ALWAYS COME MY BLOG JUS TO GO Felicia BLOG lar!! roar!! ok.. relaxxxx... ok.. went to watch "Red Cliff" with Jonathan and Meiting last Sat.. ^^ NICE show i can say... the fightin part is so nice.. the tactic tat Zhu Ge Liang use is so smart sia... I waiting for PART 2!! haha.. After movie, went to eat my fav food.. PASTA!! at pastamania =D i order chicken caesar salad and meiting was lik.. wa! U eat vege! =X ok lar.. i know i dunlik vege de.. bt salad ma..i lik it.. hahaa... we went wher?? We walk walk walk till Cathay Picture house, n go shop shop ard (although notin to shop) haha... then went YaKun drink coffee and eat bread bt i think he is enjoyin his bread n i was givin him the face i love to giv always =X haha... OHYA!! not to forget I went to CUT my HAIR liao =X erm shld say.. TRIM my hair liao... haha.. bt now it look neater.. =D bt the length is ard the same... ^^ anyway.. tmr still need go back sch~ yawn... go back to learn some new program thingy.. said wat FYP got use de... n got 5NDA to collect.. who dunwan sia.. haha.. bt is... 8.45am tilllllllll 4+pm!!! lik normal sch dae sia... die in sch liao.. haha... k lar.. i go bath first.. ciao.. Labels: wahahaaa so was at prudential pantry... reading newspaper n so on.. haha...
actually was smsin ppl tat time.. bt i wan say hor.. the pantry at nite veri scary sia..
anyway.. now in lab.. dam borin... someone nv reply my msn!! fallin asleep soon... NO EARPIECE!!
cant listen to music... i shld go have my slp... ciao.. Labels: yawn The above picture is something i did in de lab nowadae.. =X yawn... bt I love playin with the D.C & A.C generator^^ haha... anyway.. I am here to blog cos i jus came back frm mini class outing.. at newton food center.. Went ther ard 11++ pm.. then chit chat + makan till 1+am.. n thx to K.B for sendin me to my house.. haha... slack with wilson ard my house here till 3am... the outin onli got K.B, Nick, Nick's GF, Kin Fei, Wei Rong, Wilson and me.. small hur? haha.. the rest nv come sia.. bt nvm.. at least we enjoy.. =D ok lar.. i shld go bath n play some game bfore slpin.. =X ciao~ Labels: yawn 抢手中的玫瑰 总有一天会枯萎 The above sentence is taken frm a song.. Its sayin a girl who is pretty with lots of guys goin for. Will one day grow old. So no matter how pretty a girl might look like, the looks will just gone in years. So, going for looks isnt something bad. But going for the heart is the best, as looks will change but heart wont. No matter how pretty a rose might be, It will still dry up one day.. Labels: nice jus now went to eat Steamboat at bugis wif Steven, Ejun, YY, Meiting and Jonathan.. haha... was havin so much fun eatin playin wif all the food.. bt i keep eatin Fish meat.. =D haha.. N the worst ting.. I sit at the place wher all the steam is blown toward!! so i was havin "spa" lik wat steven said.. haha.. Jonathan was the pro lor... eat so much... =D n he nv grow fat de.. ahahaa... after eatin.. Me, Meiting and Jonathan went to orchard while steven they all go bugis find tattoo shop ... cos they wan go find out the price... {they r temptin me to put one oso} =_=''' haha. ![]() ![]() so me, meiting n jonathan walk to orchard, centerpoint to relax at Starbuck.. haha... n meiting took some photo... both above, one was me acting angry.. the other one is trying to act cute.. =X haha.. ohya.. on the way to centerpoint i think i saw Calynn at Plaza Sing... bt i after she walk pass me then i realise =X haha... think she oso look back.. hehe.. she still long de same.. hahaaa.... anyway.. tmr will be my Family day again... =D Miss my 2 nephew !! bt i hope to rest tmr sia... so tirin nowadae.. finally can rest... =D k lar.. i go do my stuff liao... [PP in progress] haha.. ciao~ Labels: woot Some photo taken at the pool center!! ^^ N she is in RP!! anyway so long nv play liao... miss tis game alot!! omg.. i so addicted with Pub, pool, gym.. ^^ spend alot nowadae... sianz need work liao.. =D k lar.. ciao for the moment.. cos now in class!! =D Labels: play play play
ok my LAPTOP now at service centre!! so now i am bloggin usin my Toshiba laptop =X siannnn my file all gone!! dam! =D anyway.. today went to fujitsu service centre with Tracy n Changcun after tat.. was plannin to go find my robinson boss!! to see if i can go back work bt he went to lunch!!! haha.. bt i called him n he ask me go tell HR abt it..^^ hope can go back work!! money money =D anyway.. went to play pool with them win all 3 round!! =D haha... after tat chiong back to hougang to meet NSP go AMK Hub meet Lixin n Hui Leng cos ITS HUI LENG's BIRTHDAY!! haha.. thx HUILENG for pizza hut treat! =) nowadae i so busy sia... bt i jus love it =D busy busy busy... N I already got the answer to de question tat was asked by someone... =) anyway.. tmr got micro lesson dam borin!! N i got my FIRST "D" for the sem!! =D haha... hope no more haha k lar.. ciaoo ppl.. tmr sch sch liao yawn~ Labels: =) Some photo taken on Cher's birthday =D Cheers!!! =D so long nv drink with them!! =D But i look lik a kid in de grp lor.. =X ok lar.. shld blog lata =) now abit tired... Labels: happy..
Jus came back frm slackin wif Wilson ...
haha.. was too stress till he ask me out to relax.. thx wilson! =D anyway.. today UT die liao... dunno how to do... see de question bt my mind thinkin of other things... haiz.. haha... slackin wif wilson at starbuck(centerpoint) chit chat, do some chalet thingy... then read on thing =D bt I really wan to thx wilson tat he was ther to listen to me.. =) after tat... we went to E-Hub sms SKY! to meet us and slack at Mac.. dont feel lik goin home so early haha... was thinkin of lots of stuff in my mind.. n thx to all my friends.. the answer will be in my heart.. I trust my heart more than my mind now... I will follow my heart for now... no matter wat! =) ok lar.. i go do my stuff liao... ciaox Labels: =) eh eh!! hahah.. went out wif my family today.. frm 12+ till 10pm.. yawn~ haha... ookokokk.. below is the pic i took when i went to eat my lunch.. Bak Ku Teh!! quite famous one.. went to Bugis to pray pray then went to chinatown to buy things.. after dat... went to Changi Beach to find my elder sister and my nephews! =D I love the sun!! bt i wearing jean so i cant go play =X haha.. after tat went to Ehub to eat pastamania =D spend total of $80++ after tat went to shop in Ehub.. I saw a Skate shop on lvl 2!! Suddenly got the urge to go skatin =X bt no one pei me go.. sad..
haha.. anyway.. saw inline skating hockey.. I wan I wan I wan to learn!=D
haha.. anyway.. today i was thinkin abt the question someone ask me.. got abit of my answer already. bt not the whole answer yet.. =) klar.. i go rest liao tmr UT i never study =X nites ppl~ Labels: Can I really choose? Ok.. uploaded some photo abt school now! =D N my hair nv style!! no nice!!!
We put him into the Recycle Bin!=D haha... tats something i hate to do.. cos so stress when u wan to know which port is connected to which.. =X
cos i was sitting at the last table in the lab.. so I slp facilitator oso nv see.. =D smart hur? ^^
bt tat day i was too tired. .cos i still got to go chalet after the lesson.. then plus i got Gastric pain =X so i had a rest =D
k lar.. i go busy busy liao ciao ppl! Labels: tireddd
Jus now went to buy something at ECON minimart.. =D
then saw someone at the busstop.. he call my chinese name.. -- 俊龙 i was blur blur.. then in de end it was -- 青龙 one of my relative son.. =X My name was name after him.. cos we r both born on the same year.. the year of the dragon.. we were in de same primary sch... bt secondary i not sure.. cos i went into N.A n he was a Express student...i not sure whether he in holy high anot.. bt seeing him again i was so happy.. he recognize me by my eye cos he said.. my eyes nv change at all.. still so bright lookin =X haha... really meh? bt he said i change alot.. the way i tok, n look.. haha... anyway... chat wif him for a while then i go off.. cos I need to buy thing.. n i forget to get his contact!! haha.. tis few dae.. i am so in love with drinkin alcohol as my mood is not good.. so drinkin is the onli thing i do.. anyway.. 1 bottle of beer a dae.. + lots n lots of exercise.. tryin to make my mind relax.. haha.. ok lar.. tis is my post-stress timin.. its a normal time.. =X anyway.. need go do my stuff liao.. ciao.. lol... =D yesterday was a tiring dae for me... at lab doing circuit... bt my board jus cant work.. which piss me off.. =x nvm.. after presentation.. i have gastric pain... cos my lunch i nv eat food.. but fruit =X then i bear de pain n waited for Samuel... after he came.. we went dwn to E1 there to find Sanjay n Steven...waited for meiting for awhile longer.. then we went to have dinner at Cafe 155 ! i went to order my fav Ban Man dry!! haha.. the auntie ask me wher my other friends who always eat ban man dry.. haha.. cos yesterday i am the onli one who order the noodle.. =D after eating.. went to buy koropok and sit at near sch library ther to finish up my homework.. then after tat.. went to causeway point with themm... =D brought present for Chermaine.. =D after tat... went to take bus 168... on the way ther.. we were all chattin abt last time and also some rubbish.. =X n till we reach IKEA!! cos we tot their got bus 21.. in the end.. nope! =X so we cross de road to take bus 3 to Downtown east..! haha... the birthday celebration was fun.. tiramisu cake!! haha.. n Red wine!! =D haha... then i chat on phone with someone... n samuel they all keep complainin.. =X hahaa... ard 11+ we said goodbye n went to cheers to buy 4 can of Tiger beer(500ml) Samuel, steven, sanjay and me!! i still prefer hard liquor =D beer to me now taste lik plain water liao.. no kick.. haahahhaa... reach hm jus nice 12am.. haha... got my bath and chat with my sis.. then.... fall asleep!! =X anyway.. really miss the day I spend with de grp of them.. so fun n crazy... hope to meet up more! =D cheers! Labels: sad~? |
Name: Tan Choon Leng aka JuN aka JunLong Age:21 (goin 22 on 28 0ct 10) School: Studyin at Republic Polytechnic ( Year3 DCAE ) Likes:eating nice nice food ard singapore! , slack and see the night sky.. where there is stars.. and be with HUILING! Quote:Dont give up when things goes wrong, but see and learn and come out with idea to make it work! ![]() ![]() ![]() Wishes
[X] Good Life [X] Polo Tee [ ] Get into a degree course [ ] Graduate with a DEGREE [ ] SAVE ALOT OF MONEY FOR ME N HUILING! [ ] faster ORD 2011 resolutions 23th Birthday Wishes [ ]-Black Berry Phone! [ ]-Iphone 5 [ ]-Itouch [ ]- [ ]-PSP Cheryl Hazel HuiLing Claris Wei Jie Farhana WanLing Shue Wei Puay Yek Cher Kong Ming Sheep NSP HuiLeng XiuBin BangLun Jonathan Jean Samuel Firdaus Wileen Kelvin Haven Juan Lydia Ben MeiTing Dalilah Yong2 Mich su ling Wei Rong Rabitah Kai Bin Jian Ming Kennerve ChangCun SaM(H.I.H.S) marissa Ben(robinson) Precious Pets Portraits Ugly Singaporeans LaoZhaBor SHIN felicia Danson Tang Yu Zhe Blogger Blogskins StockStash March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l September 2009 l October 2009 l February 2010 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |