yesterday.. went out wif HuiLing for movie =) first time goin out wif her.. i mean me n her alone.. is first time.. ha. We watch WALL-E!! haha.. cartoon hor.. dont giv me tat look ok.. =X 2 grown up watchin cartoon.. =) ok.. bt Wall-E is not jus a cartoon.. its a meaningful cartoon.. u can learn alot frm Wall-E Its 2 story in 1 cartoon.. Love n Environment thinkin... 2 in 1.. =) although the whole show hardly got people tokin.. until the ending part. Bt its so touchin.. =) Worth watchin! go watch people ! Support Wall-E..! Support the world! Not forgettin.. Roses =) ok.. believe it anot.. its de first time.. in my whole life.. I ever buy flower for someone I like =) haha.. nvm.. back to topic.. Brought 2 white n 1 champagne roses(cos the meaning of the roses suit her) and my cousin's wife help me make into a hand bouquet.. so nice =) hope she like it.. actually bfore the movie.. we went to Sony Ericsson service center.. I tell u ar.. I dun really lik their service.. giv attitude.. ask them do something..so many excuse.. tsk! so in the end she nv service her phone.. then we went to walk walk ard taka.. =) n I can say ar.. she will get lost in the basement.. =X then we went to kino.. (the book store) n i bring her to read on some book nice, funny yet meaningful books =) then we went to Toy R Us.. at Paragon =X ok.. is me who wan to go.. cos i wan to find some toy for my baby nephew.. N i oso know tat someone lik Pooh Bear.. jus like my sis.. =) then after tat.. + some walk walk..n time up we went for our movie.. after movie... !! HUNGRY! haha.. brought her to eat korean food.. bt its at a food court de.. nice n cheap.. =) then chat wif her.. haa.. then went to Plaza Sing.. Saw someone wor.. Ester! she was workin.. so nv call her =X then after tat........ take MRT wif her to Eunos.. cos she meeting her friends ther.. for nite outing.. =) actually dunwan her go de.. cos she workin on de next day afternoon.. bt i let her choose =) Respect her decision.. ha ha haahahhaa.. anyway.. saw what she told me.. I can onli say.. be extra careful hor.. *I dunwan say wat thing is it* *Its between me n her* =) Not forgettin to thx heaven bcos it nv rain heavily tat day.. =) ok.. now... What's Next? I wan MOVIE!!again! My Sassy Girl!! haha.. anyway.. shld stop here liao.. need to do something.. =) bye ppl.. n remember to go watch Wall-E! Labels: ^^ went to fire SAR 21, SAW n one more gun.. erm forget de name.. bt I tell u.. IT so FUN!! haha.. try out Night Vision too.. Signal flare.. n so on... went to the bunk to see hows de room is.. wa.. tell u hor.. the bed.. woot.. n room.. wa.. is so nice lor... unlike wat my brother last time got in army hahaha.. oso try their ration food.. erm.. to me.. not so nice.. =X anyway.. on de way ther.. was rainin.. n was caught in de jam.. n the driver.. was lik.. ah beng sia.. veri fierce.. bt when see soldier.. he bcome veri normal.. =X anyway... I wont go SISPEC... I wan go OCS haha.. after the things.. went to meet kb n his friend at sim lim tower.. cos marcus n Jian Ming wan to buy soldering tools bfore the school starts.. after tat went to eat at sim lim square.. n kai bin ask us to bet to-to.. so each fork out 1 dollar.. hmm.. =D ok lar.. now.. i am thinkin.. thinkin.. thinkin.. thinkin.. thinkin.. thinkin.. wat to do now.. so bored! my cousin haven send me the 5 year sales report! n i am struck on tat onli part for my PP!! tsk! tmr gonna call n ask him send to me asap.. =X cos sch start.. i dont think i will wan to do liao.. hahah kk .. ciaoooooo Labels: haha.. fire fire fire My Sassy Girl haha.. i wanna watch it when its out.. 4 sept.. if i am not wrong =) N i hope tat she go wif me =)
anyway.. gonna finish my pp liao.. bt my cousin haven send me his 5 years sales report! tsk hope he tmr send me.. =) k lar.. i go do thing liao.. ciaoz Labels: =)
yawn~ its the 200th post of my blog... haha
this few day have been doin my PP... haha... finally got 2,790+ words haha too many to me liao.. n i haven finish =X anyway.. holiday endin soon... sian... ohya.. I mayb goin back Robinson to work on Sat n Sun.. haha bt still thinkin.. cos i dunno whether i am free... =X money~ =X ok lar.. lookin forward to date her out.. she haven told me when.. =X tsk~ Labels: =)
ahaha.. jus back frm outside.. went to Macperson ITE wif NSP to collect his cert of merit.. haha then went compasspoint to eat Yoshi and chat with him.. =D tok alot.. something he said let me think abt the future.. "What will u be like when U r 25 years old?" haha good question =D bt tats something one mus think... =============== ok.. was thinkin of my daily routine.. haha.. found out dat.. i am enjoyin life.. =X mornin -- Drink warm Honey drink Afternoon -- Redoxon nite -- Warm lemon honey drink =X n... I now oso enjoy chattin wif her.. =) get to know her better liao after so many thing haha anyway.. tmr goin out to bukit timah.. erm.. cos NSP wan buy stuff ther.. haha so i go lor.. then on de way.. i can do my PP.. =P cos someone said tat she is enjoyin holidae first... I am not goin let her.. enjoy alone!! I wan enjoy oso!!!! tsk tsk!! kk lar.. need go bath liao..jus now walk in de rain haha kk.. ciao Labels: yawn HI ppl I am back!! to blog haha finally ended my 4 day full shift job.. =P enjoy workin at ther sia.. all the fun n so on.. hehe =============== Ohya.. I went to Pasir ris to give someone a surprise.. bt she knew tat I am comin... =X KB why U tell her!! haha anyway.. so happy to see her.. =P ========== time to relax n do my work.. althought my manager ask me want to work on sat n sun anot i now still cant giv my reply cos i dunno whether i got time.. =x k lar.. I go play wif my baby... Nephew liao.. cya ppl Labels: misssssssssssssssss
haha.. yesterday went to Compasspoint to have my shopping with my sister.. went to G2000 to get my black long sleeve shirt and black suit pant hehe.. nice hur! =P after tat went to buy my black workin shoes for the sake of working.. thennnnn went to buy my Baby Nephew 1st birthday present haha.. brought a Fisherman baby Toy(handphone dat teaches ABC , 123 n music.) ^^ 30 dollar share with my sister.. ![]() tmr I will start workin at Raffles Shopping Centre Robinson for 4 straight day all full shift 10am till 10pm (killing ppl shift) haha feel free to come dwn n meet me for lunch n dinner..cos i working alone.. so poor thing =P Sun~Wed.. after dat I will be free!! hahahaaa then time to do PP... =D sooo Ppl do miss me =P MS PANDA PANDA PANDA PANDA!! Labels: ^^ Heres de chalet pic!! have fun lookin at it... cos i wont type anything liao... hahahaaa go imaging wat happen =P Labels: =) I am back from Chalet!! haha.. anyone miss me? opps I can say, I enjoy tis chalet alot... food food food and Drinks! haha.. thx KB for the food he cooked.. =P I wan crabstick! hahahaa anyway... finally back cos i miss someone alot.. although gt sms n chat wif her on de phone.. bt i miss lookin at her.. hahahaaa ok.. i am too tired.. haha i think photos will be up soon waitin for kb.. =X haha... kk.. i shall keep low-profile for this few wk.. ^^ slient.... ssshhhhh Labels: missesssssssss ^^ so borin in class.. yawn~ ohya.. was here to blog abt a korean drama i watched wif my sister.. title : Thank You (谢谢) Its a veri touchin drama.. Its about a little girl who gots Aids bcos of doctor fault.. bt i shall not say much abt it..
cos I wan you all to watch it..!
U can learn alot of things frm the drama.. Labels: thank you last day of sch!!! n tonight will be goin chalet!! haha.. 3day 2 nites haha ohya, above pics is taken on sunday while goin shoppin for chalet stuff wif my classmate BIOHAZARD!! OMG! haha the above few pic.. erm.. haha taken at W3 cos too borin so we ciao ther after our lab lesson to walk walk see see.. ohya yesterday walk wif her to the interchange after sch erm.. how to explain de feelin? nvm its in my heart haha k lar... lesson startin liao.. ppl miss me wor.. ^^ Labels: ^^ 晴空万里 - Joi Chua Shine for Singapore (Chinese version) Shine for Singapore - Hady Mirza - NDP 2008
Hady Mirza : Shine For Singapore
Verse 1: Have you seen a star,One that guides you no matter where you are? However vast the sky may be Or dark it seems You can be sure, it's always there for you and me Verse 2: Have you heard a song,One that moved you, one that made you sing along? Your dreams and hopes will all come true If you believe that every vision begins with you. Chorus 1: Shine for Singapore This is your song Deep inside your heart where it belongs It'll always stay, strive for your goals. You will achieve with visions so bold. Chorus 2: Shine for Singapore This is our song Reach out for the sky, far and beyond As one we'll stand, we're Singapore It's here that we belong Repeat Verse 2 and Chorus 1&2 Nowhere I'd rather be, this is home to me This star shines strong and free Labels: =) Yesterday went to have my handprint on a giant lantern.. haha.. to help record breaking thingy de.. went ther wif Iskanda, WeiRong, Freddy and KaiBin!! will miss them alot.. the whole class E44M! =D nicest pic.. cos when i was takin tis pic.. WeiRong happen to walk pass.. then... He shouted.. cos, this room shld be empty without ppl inside... cos the class went to lab.. n he saw.. 2 ppl inside.. hahaaaaa
i cant stop laughin... =D
anyway... tmr shall chiong my PP liao.. cos Someone PP is accepted!! HOR! ? haha.. anyway.. i shall now go play wif my nephew.. =) Labels: Thoughts runnin in my mind Woot.. yesterday did micro-controller last lesson.. haha did some programmin on RC tank to make it move forward, stop, reverse, turn the outcome was not bad.. as my team come out with the code to make it move.. haha..
kk, i shld go back do my stuff liao.. ciao.. Labels: =) |
Name: Tan Choon Leng aka JuN aka JunLong Age:21 (goin 22 on 28 0ct 10) School: Studyin at Republic Polytechnic ( Year3 DCAE ) Likes:eating nice nice food ard singapore! , slack and see the night sky.. where there is stars.. and be with HUILING! Quote:Dont give up when things goes wrong, but see and learn and come out with idea to make it work! ![]() ![]() ![]() Wishes
[X] Good Life [X] Polo Tee [ ] Get into a degree course [ ] Graduate with a DEGREE [ ] SAVE ALOT OF MONEY FOR ME N HUILING! [ ] faster ORD 2011 resolutions 23th Birthday Wishes [ ]-Black Berry Phone! [ ]-Iphone 5 [ ]-Itouch [ ]- [ ]-PSP Cheryl Hazel HuiLing Claris Wei Jie Farhana WanLing Shue Wei Puay Yek Cher Kong Ming Sheep NSP HuiLeng XiuBin BangLun Jonathan Jean Samuel Firdaus Wileen Kelvin Haven Juan Lydia Ben MeiTing Dalilah Yong2 Mich su ling Wei Rong Rabitah Kai Bin Jian Ming Kennerve ChangCun SaM(H.I.H.S) marissa Ben(robinson) Precious Pets Portraits Ugly Singaporeans LaoZhaBor SHIN felicia Danson Tang Yu Zhe Blogger Blogskins StockStash March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l September 2009 l October 2009 l February 2010 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |